A iiwhosting reseller plan is a great way for you to earn money on the side, or even become your own full-time web hosting company. Acquire your own hosting clients, or if you're a web designer you can use a reseller plan to add value for your existing and future customers.
A IIwhostingreseller plan provides you with everything necessary to start your own web hosting company. WHM allows you to create cPanels for each of your clients, and your choice of WHMCS or WHM Autopilot facilitates the billing aspect.
With these bases covered, you are free to market and grow your business in any way that you choose. It's easy to upgrade, and when you outgrow our reseller plans, we'll be happy to transfer you to a dedicated server!
Reseller plans include everything you need to succeed, from WHM to billing software.
Now view your Twitter, Google+ feeds in your Inbox itself. OpenXchange brings all your social media under one roof.
It is always free and easy to upgrade; your hosting grows as your business grows.
A iiwhosting Reseller hosting plan gives you complete control over every aspect of your hosting business, from resource allocation to payment methods and what (if any) additional services you choose to provide your clients (domains, SSL certificates, etc.).
Unmetered Domains, Subdomains, Email Accounts, MySQL Databases, FTP AccountsFlexible, Easy to Use Control Panel (cPanel Demo | WHM Demo)99.9% Uptime GuaranteeNo Contract with a 45 Day Money Back GuaranteePrivate Name Servers based on your DomainSafe Harbor Certified (Details)
Free WHMCS or WHM AutoPilot Client Management / Billing softwareCreate SiteBuilder Accounts for Your CustomersFree Website Transfers for up to 30 websitesProvide your customers over 4,500 Website Templates400+ Brandable Video Tutorials for Your Clients
Latest WHM Control Panel with Multi-language AvailabilityMonitor Server StatusLimit packages, specify disk space, bandwidth, email, databases, and other featuresComplete Control: Password Modification, DNS, Account Creation / TerminationBrandable Client Panel with your company logo
Latest cPanel Control PanelWebsite Statistics: AWStats, Webalizer, Raw Log Manager, Referrer and Error LogsInstant Shopping Carts, Blogs, Portals, Forums, Counters, and Formmail Password Protected Directories and Custom Error Pages
Unlimited MySQL Databases with phpMyAdmin AccessProgramming Language: CGI, Fast CGI, PHP 5, Ruby on Rails, Perl, Python, SSLProgramming Modules: Curl, CPAN, GD Library, ImageMagickSystem Management: SSH Access and Cron Job SchedulingFrontPage Extension
Unlimited POP3 Email Accounts with SMTP WebMail Access: Horde, SquirrelMail, RoundCube Receive your email to your phone via IMAP Support Prevent spam with Spam Assassin Unlimited Autoresponders, Mail Forwards, Email Aliases, 25 Mailing Lists
24/7/365 Premium Support via Phone, Live Chat, and Ticket System (Email) Automatic Weekly Off-Site Data Backups 24/7/365 Server Monitoring Online Support Portal with over 500+ Video Tutorials and 680+ Help Articles
We've invested in Wind Energy to help offset server emissions Climate Friendly, Wind Powered, Certified RECs IIWhosting purchases certified Renewable Energy Credits (REC's)
70+ gTLDs & ccTLDs to resellTransfers at cost & up to 80% off on Registrations700+ New gTLDs from a single accountEasy Integration through WHMCS, API or Storefront